未使用的Spomasz Pleszew CAA 18A炊具/蒸发器

股票# UG6191

通过Spomasz Plszew(PL)型CAA 18A的未使用的不锈钢堵塞炊具/蒸发器。机器是两个顶层夹持的夹克平底锅与搅拌器。每个盘70L的总体积,工作体积50L。夹克16L的容量。夹克上的蒸汽的工作压力最多8巴。工作温度高达170℃。两个平底锅的蒸汽消耗 - 274千克/小时。每个罐内部的真空 - 高达0.8巴。每个锅都配备了搅拌器 - 由EL驱动。电机0.55千瓦。 Working rotation of each agitator up to 74 rpm. Bottom pan is connected with both top mounted pans. Total volume 60l, working volume up to 50l. Volume of jacket 33l. Working steam pressure on jacket up to 0.5 bar, at steam consumption up to 140 kg/h. Working temperature up to 136C. Bottom pan is equipped with agitator driven by el motor 0.37 kW, working with rotation speed up to 20 rpm. Working output on milk masses up to 260 kg/h, working output on caramel – up to 180 kg/h. Cooker is equipped with vacuum pump with power 3 kW. Shipping dimensions: L 1720 mm x W 1700 x H 1600 mm x weight 877 kg. Includes technical documentation.

