
Plastic cast film extrusion lines用于形成各种产品,包括膜,塑料板,柔性包装,涂料材料,保护膜和尿布衬里。近年来,制造塑料铸造膜系列的设备没有发生重大变化,并使用塑料铸造膜线条可提供很高的投资回报。知名制造商的新设备的典型生活为20年以上。如果适当的照顾和维护,可以延长其寿命。购买新的或用过的机械are cost, quality and delivery time.

Plastic Cast Film Lines

当塑料颗粒被送入一个用户挤出机, melted, and conveyed. The molten plastic is worked through a die giving the film its initial width and thickness. The plastic exits downwards through the die onto the main roll of a cast unit. It then passes through a series of rolls for cooling and thickness control. The film is then wound onto a winder. Line rate operation is calculated by an engineer based on extrusion rate, speed of the cast unit and speed of the winder. If these three units are not calibrated and matched correctly, there could be issues with the quality of the product.

When a thicker film is needed, plastic cast film lines are used rather than blown film lines.

Equipment Components

When creating cast film, several pieces of equipment are required. The first is the extruder. When purchasing a使用的挤出机,考虑电动机的制造,L/D比,类型(AC或DC)和马力,枪管排气,控制类型,馈线类型,枪管状况和整体外观使用的挤出机

The next component is the die. When purchasing a二手塑料铸造膜死亡,考虑插槽开口的品牌,模型,宽度和厚度。品牌包括Egan,Reifenhauser,Cloeren,EDI和生产组件。

The next component is the cast unit. Similar in function to the roll stack from a plastic sheet line, the cast unit controls thickness and cools the cast film. Important considerations include face width and diameter of the main roll and whether rolls are water or oil cooled. Rolls can be hydraulic or pneumatically controlled to adjust for sizing.




购买使用的塑料铸造膜线时,请考虑设备,年龄,制造商,容量和配置的质量。购买二手塑料铸造膜线的优点包括立即交付和有竞争力的价格。选择具有维护记录的知名品牌。雷电竞下载网址Perry Videx保留了大量二手塑料铸造膜线的清单。Contact us now讨论您的特定需求。