
股票# U2297-5

二手填充线由Vosko sp. z o.o. (PL)。机器有4个喷嘴同时电动驱动。电机通过皮带齿轮箱和螺丝。每个活塞有内径60毫米x 100毫米,什么给约。每个活塞体积约280 cm3。机器有带式输送机,宽度100毫米×工作长度1760毫米。皮带采用pp材料设计,工作速度可通过变频器调节。机器有局部控制面板。剂量是可调节的四个活塞通过传感器设置上和下水平的活塞行程。灌装机配有机械灌装机。 Capper is driven by el. motor 1.1 kW, 920 rpm, 230-400V, 50 hz and is equipped with belt conveyer with pp belt with width 100 mm x length 2070 mm. Belt has adjustable speed of work. Capper has missing die. Both machines are designed in stainless steel. Shipping dimensions: filler – L 240 cm x W 85 cm x H 170 cm , capper L 210 cm x W 90 cm x H 170 cm. Estimated weight about 1000 kg. Both machines new 2006.

